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Youth Football Camp Itinerary 2 Hour Plan

I still remember my days in youth football camps basically it was energetic, full of anticipation and happiness upon watching young stars develop physically as well as mentally. From a young football enthusiast aspiring to be the next Ronaldo or Messi or a child who would like to spend a weekend practicing soccer with friends the difference between a well structured camp and a mess can easily be distinguished.

To achieve these objectives, the following 2 hours program has been designed to help the kids learn the activities effectively whilst enjoying themselves. To know more about variety of camp shirt must visit.

Youth Football Camp Itinerary 2 Hour Plan

Pre-Camp Preparation

However, during the pre competition preparation time probably wait before the referee blows the whistle, players must put everything into consideration. Assembling a group of people that are prepared for their work is preparing a group of people for success.

Gathering the Team

The first thing that must be done in any football camp and that is very crucial is to ascertain the number of persons alive. There’s an aura of great expectation when the kids assemble at the field with their bicycles. Every player shall have to be placed their respective group aiming at trying to balance the groups in terms of the level of talent that is present.

Equipment Check

In this scenario before fun start checking are all the players ready with their kick shin guards, cleats, water bottles and lastly a ball per child. I think overall preparation has no better start than knowing you and your team are ready to go and being equipped for action and the first step of this is an equipment check.

Warm-Up Routine

Warming up is vital. You don’t want to go to the drills without warming up those muscles you know. To warm up, jog for a shorter amount of time and include dynamic warm up stretches. Include some enjoyable group stretches in order to create energy, for instance forming a train whereby a child initiates and the other children copy.

First 30 Minutes – Drills and Skills

Well, the next thing you know it’s time for those lovely duo – feet, to start walking! The first 30 minutes are dedicated to Core ball handling skill namely passing, dribbling and footwork. This are the fundamentals of the game and if practiced, changes the way a player approach the playing field.

Passing Drills

Therefore, passing is not just the act of giving the ball to someone, but giving the ball in a position that it will be useful. When preparing drills, it is appropriate to set up several small pairs with a view of having quick passes between them and the cones. Let them understand the significance of an eye contact and if you would like to add a twist, set it within some certain minutes.

Dribbling Drills

What can be more exciting for a young footballer than such feeling as if he or she is navigating past the defenders in the same way as the star player? Concentration on dribbling activities that will challenge the kids to remain balanced as they go to higher speeds. Place cones on the ground and have the balls do this in between them, while stressing on close ball control.

Footwork and Agility

The footballers themselves are great athletes and so their feet move to the dances and their reflexes act the reactions. That is why incorporating equipment such as the agility ladders or quick step drills assist in coordination. Such drills may look fun like a game, but they helps in strength and stamina development in an effective manner.

Youth Football Camp Itinerary 2 Hour Plan

2nd 30 Minutes – How to Defend

And now that the game of offence is in full swing it’s time to hit the other side of the field with defence. The following ½ an hour is dedicated to the defensive skills such as tackling to positioning.

Tackling Basics

Tackling is not only about reaching for the ball but it is something much more. Make the kids understand how to orient their body, bend their knees and use technique to bring down the other team’s player. Safety comes first, therefore stress on the fact that exercises should be done in appropriate forms in order no to cause harm to the body.

Positioning and Formations

This I believe that good defence comes from great teamwork. Find some time for explanation to the kids about what is positioning. Tell them how they can protect their goal by maintaining their formation and make them realise that part of the soccer defence is about positioning as well.

Mid-Session Break

No one would want to run on an empty tank, this is why saying no is so crucial, nobody wants to be patchy, nobody wants to be average, everybody wants to deliver the best and to do that, they have to say no. That is the reason why it is best to have a mid-session break.

Importance of Hydration

It is unbelievable to think of water breaks as not only a break but as a life saver. Make sure you remind all the children to take water at some particular time. Make it a competition while you are doing the exercises, the last one who takes big sips of water gets to endure a playful forfeit in the next sets of exercises.

Positive Reinforcement

In this short break ensure that you compliment the team. Sometimes all a young athlete needs is a few kind works said to them to lift up their morale. It is also nice to know if someone has questions or if someone wants to teach something that he or she has learnt.

Last Hour – Scrimmage and Game Play

So this is what everyone has been looking forward to the scrimmage! It is now time for the kids to use all that they have been taught starting with the basic lessons.

Dividing the Team

Divide the kids into two teams in order to conduct the scrimmage that follows. It is always interesting to add a level of rivalry into the mix but one must always make sure that the rivalry is healthy. Ensure that each team has some senior and junior players in a bid to enhance some healthy competition that encourages the players to enjoy their game.

Scrimmage Setup and Rules

Before getting into action, it is always important to spell out the rules of the game. So, it is advisable to keep them simple and as light as possible. I do not think that any offsides should be allowed and maybe the field should be made shorter just in order to ensure everyone gets involved. The main emphasis is put in the entertainment while applying what was learnt.

Importance of Youth Football Camp Itinerary 2 Hour Plan

Youth Football Camp Itinerary 2 Hour Plan

During the entire period of the scrimmage make sure that you are providing feedback as often as possible. Encourage the players with some words, applaud and motivate them especially when a player has done a great pass or a great tackle and give them small advises on how to position themselves well. This is where the action is, where children learn most of what they need to from their day to day play activities.

Cool Down and Stretching

In order to bring down the energy levels after an intense warm down and the sportive dribbling of the ball, lets relax. It is important to cool down properly in orders to avoid muscle stiffness and occasional mishaps.

Importance of Recovery

Make the children understand that it’s also okay to stop playing and that it is a sign of returning to normalcy. Tell them to listen to their bodies and give it the rest that it requires so that it can be well conditioned to work the following day.

Stretching Techniques

Perform some neck and shoulder rolls and then the team has to follow and do the same. Try to concentrate on the legs, arms and back. Make it interactive where each of the players will pick a stretch for the whole team to perform. This empowers the patients hence making them have ownership of their recovery.

Final Pep Talk

When the camp is over, call the children together for a closing encouragement speech. This is where people won’t forget you they will remember you even when you are not there.

Motivational Message for the Kids

Comfort them in order to remind them that within 2 hours they have gained a lot of ground. Compliment their effort, their togetherness and passion towards their work. Make it clear to them that what is essential is the passion they are willing to apply in the game.

Encouraging Team Spirit

Football is not only about each and every player’s talent, but today it all lessons and focuses on how to be a team. To conclude, they should be prompted to keep on assisting each other in treatment services as well as in the sporting activities.


This plan of a 2-hour youth football camp focuses on drills, games and motivation to make the young players happy. Soccer however is not a game that is learnt and forgotten but a game that teaches the players confidence, teamwork, discipline and love for the sport.


1. What can I do to add fun for the younger kids that are was attending the camp?
To ensure that learners pay attention during drills, one should consider incorporating more games in the content that is being taught.

2. What can one do if some kids are slow with drills?
Give advice preferably one-on-one and ensure you blend it with compliments from time to time as this helps in correcting the child without making them lose confidence.

3. Can a youth football camp be conducted in two hours only?
Yes, that is very true, two hours is sufficient if structured in a proper manner to enable development of key skills as well as maintaining the group’s energy levels high.

4. What equipment is necessary?
Essentials- Football boots, Shinguard, Ball, Cones, Plastic bottles of water etc.

5. But how often should such camps like this be conducted?
Holding camps on a regular basis, say once a week or once every two weeks is perfect because it does not over-work the kids while at the same time is the perfect way to build and reinforce their skills.

And for more information or gear recommendations, be sure to check out our camping archive!
